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I Phone 5 Expectations

AkhiL | 11:35 PM | , , , , , , , , , ,

When i phone was born in 2007,it was a niche product,it was well short on features compared with then superphone Nokia N95,It was fragile.....but it was a hit, why?  .....        It had a cool feature a touch screen ,in fact a multi touch capacitive touch screen along with a touch optimized OS X.  Though this iOS was lacking many of basic functionalities,even a copy paste it was a succes .Apples brand image made its child hood nourished

    Now everything is changed ,I Phone evolved i OS evolved,Hardware evolved along with those touch screen,Already present Apple ecosystem was modified and well developed to accomadate i devices,now I phone is actualy a decider of industry.I phone 5 launch is imminent.what all can we expect?
1)  Naturally A new stable version of i os 6
2)  Ghz+ dualcore processor ,An ARM Cortex codenamed Apple A6
3)  Multi core GPU,Power VR series
4)  Better Battery(bigger)
5)  New dock
6)  4 inch touch screen
7)  Metal back panel
8)  4G ,LTE connectivity
9)  Nano SIM card
10) New mapping software from Apple with turn-by-turn navigation and 3D
      renderings of cities.

Update : Looks like all the expectations are true ...but well,disappointed
                         check it

I os update may include many features tht include the functionality of the ecosystem.I Phone 5 have to take on Galaxy S III and the emerging hero Lumia 920,Already established Android ecosystem and ever developing windows phone 8 ecosystems have a long way to go to catch up with Apple ecosystem and abundancy of apps.Considering the decisive capacity of a proper mapping software nowadays google maps have a very important role as the most advanced mapping system.I os 6 will try to cut down this gap with their newly introducing mapping system They have to compete even with currently second nokia maps from winows 8 ecosystem

 Venue decorations where Apple will unveil I phone 5


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